Are you on the hunt for some life-changing reads in the self-help and personal development arena? Well, you’re in luck! I’ve put together a list of my top 10 must-reads that have not only inspired me but also offered practical advice for personal and professional growth.

If your schedule already seems jammed packed, check out this article on Fitting Books into Your Bustling Life.

Let’s dive in!

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  1. Good to Great by Jim Collins
    Ever wonder why some companies make the leap to greatness while others don’t? Jim Collins reveals the secrets in ‘Good to Great’. This book is a gem for anyone in leadership or aspiring to transform their business from average to outstanding. This one was probably my first experience with a business book and and oldie but goodie.
  2. The Successful Speaker by Grant Baldwin
    If public speaking sends shivers down your spine, Baldwin’s got your back. ‘The Successful Speaker’ is an excellent guide for anyone wanting to improve their speaking skills. This one was really helpful for when I hosted and was emcee for two leadership conferences with over 1,000 people in attendance.
  3. Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
    Hyatt’s book is perfect for those who love setting goals but struggle to achieve them which can hinder your personal development. It offers a clear, five-step plan to help you tackle your dreams and make any year your most successful yet. I’d also recommend Vision Driven Leader by Hyatt.
  4. Soundtracks by Jon Acuff
    This one’s for anyone looking to overcome overthinking. Acuff introduces the concept of “soundtracks” – the repetitive thoughts that influence our behavior – and guides readers on how to change them for the better. His newest book, All It Takes Is a Goal, is full of gold, too! If you like humor, Acuff is worth a follow!
  5. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
    A classic leadership book that’s as relevant today as ever. Maxwell shares laws any leader or aspiring leader should know. It’s great for anyone looking to enhance their influence and lead more effectively. Honestly, any Maxwell (he has over 80) book you pick up will be worth it for your professional and personal development!
  6. Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud
    Struggling with saying ‘no’ or managing your time? ‘Boundaries’ is a must-read. Dr. Cloud helps you understand how to set healthy boundaries in every aspect of life. A great follow-up is his book, Necessary Endings.
  7. The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni
    Lencioni argues that organizational health is the key to business success. This book is a great pick for anyone in management looking to improve their team’s performance and create a harmonious workplace.
  8. Atomic Habits by James Clear
    Clear’s book is a game-changer if you want to change your habits. He breaks down the science of habits in an easy-to-understand way, offering strategies to build good habits and break bad ones. Bonus: he puts out a great newsletter with small and simple ideas.
  9. Essentialism by Greg McKeown
    Feeling stretched too thin? ‘Essentialism’ teaches you to do less but better. It’s perfect for anyone feeling overwhelmed and looking to focus on what truly matters. His other book, Effortless, is a good follow-up to this one.
  10. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
    This book is a call to embrace vulnerability and courage. Brown’s insights are invaluable for anyone looking to build authentic connections and live a more fulfilled life. Her work is worth searching out.

There you have it – my top 10 self-help and development books that have offered me invaluable insights and practical tips. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just looking to improve your personal life, there’s something in here for you. Happy reading!